7 一种从未见过的鱼(20)

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Daylight appeared. The morning mists surrounded us, but they soon broke up. 天亮了。朝雾笼罩着我们,但不久就消散了。

I was about to proceed with a careful examination of the hull, whose topside formed a sort of horizontal platform, when I felt it sinking little by little.


"Oh, damnation!" Ned Land shouted, stamping his foot on the resonant sheet iron. "Open up there, you antisocial navigators!"


But it was difficult to make yourself heard above the deafening beats of thepropeller. Fortunately this submerging movement stopped.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址From inside the boat, there suddenly came noises of iron fastenings pushed roughly aside.


One of the steel plates flew up, a man appeared, ga上海龙凤shlf最新地址ve a bizarre yell, and instantly disappeared.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址A few moments later, eight strapping fellows appeared silently, their faces like masks, and dragged us down into their fearsome machine.
